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7 Sins of Capitalism

Writer's picture: Husain KapasiHusain Kapasi

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

the men appear, opening shutters to the green gold flowing, then Beginning with the first customer of the day, then the children's clothing business attracts, the uninvited guests appear, one by one, 7 of them; a wide body of self entitledness appears, headlined by gluttony, and followed by envy.

A parent, bringing in their "possession", presenting their "dolls". They ask for the best, flaunting their desires; of a new appearance, a new look on their 'dolls'. Oh the shiniest, the most figure hugging, uncomfortable clothes to man, the aim is to bring a temporary pleasure, a timed explosion of temporary dopamine, a new look at their accessory. That is Gluttony. ''Moar'' ,"MOAR" cry the voices. "NEW NEWER NEWEST". Not one but two, fill in their carts. Gluttony exits stage.

One parent looking at the others child, with a pretty dress, fancy bags and shoes, Blemish free skin, blind to a continuous decay of a physical self. A sense of being wronged by the other, an act of revolt takes place. A cold war of the ''have-nots" with the "haves", the ''trendys" with the "out of trends", one discontent with the grass on his side of the terrain, daring to cross into someone elses. Envy rears its ugly head. The sign of industrialisation. Artifical Abundance, Ask for water, and get wine. buy gold, get murder for free. Shop until you drop, dead. An economy built on Envy, goes nowhere but its end.

Buy 1 get 2 free; Buy 2 ,only pay by your soul, bit by bit. Greed of getting the best deals on the market, 50, 60, 70 % off! Greed of buying an extra pair of the same tees, just because. hurry hurry, buy it all, hurry hurry, before the next store closes. Greed is the backbone of economy, also of the darkness of men. MORE, MORE, MORE, does it ever end?

As I sip on my tea, from the corners of my eyes, I see, a man, tensed, at his bill after his purchases. His face changing from contentment, to surprise, to anger, to regret. Looking at his other, he displays, a sour face, a face of wanting to leave, a face of anger, to wrath. wrath at the miser-ness of his, or is it a wrath towards the wastrelness of his partner? A wrath towards the the cards that life dealt him for living paycheck to paycheck, or of the greed of the society?

beside me are kids, attention captured within their mini worlds, their phones, while their parents buy the latest. their minds numbed to new items, by the repeated exposure of the same new 'things', getting everything that the child desires. The feeling of surprise, of a gift, no longer interesting them. Their Laziness overtaking their desires to do something about this feeling of being dead from inside.

After paying for their wares, The face of the parent after looking at the childs grateful smile, those puppy dog eyes, fills the parent with elatedness. The feeling of being able to please another being, within my limited capacity to, fills the parents chest with PRIDE. Proud of being useful, Pride, of being relevant.

And taking in their money, in exchange of filtering the good wares from the bad, mass orders, storing them, providing the space and time utility, doing our part to keep the society running, do I collect the Paper currency in exhange. All of this, underlined with the faint stench of Lust, a drive to store more, hoard more. More money for emergencies, more money for protection in old age, more money for investments, more money to buy the new car, and a farmhouse maybe, some more personal help maybe, more more more, behind this unquenchable thirst lies the lust for power, because everyone works for money are slaves to the ones who create money. Behind this lust for power, is to control the present and the future, and all this, for the lust of control.

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